Construction 101: How Much Does It Cost To Build?

One of the most commonly asked questions in the construction space is “How much does it cost to build…?” or “I have X amount of money, Can I build…?”. So in this article, we will talk about building costs.

Knowing how much a project will cost is important, especially if you’d require external financing from institutions such as banks, Chama, etc.

It’s good practice to know how much a project will cost (even if it’s a rough estimate) before doing anything else. To answer this question you’d have to know or at least have an idea of the size of the building. A 4-bedroom home of 100m² will cost you less than the same home but with a size of 300m².

This is because the cost in architecture or in buildings is calculated per square meter. This assumes that if you have a square meter of building space, this square meter costs a certain amount of money from the foundation through to the roof.

For example, if you were to get the cost estimate for a bungalow, the cost per square meter (m²) includes the foundation, the floor, ceiling, and the roof. It also assumes that the cost per m² is inclusive of services such as the electrical and plumbing as an average.

Our Director and Principal Architect – Arch. Edward Mugo explains how to estimate the size and cost of the project in the video below.

Do you have any questions not covered in the video, please leave a comment below and we will reply ASAP.


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